MAY 6th and 7th
433 Silverstone Road
Vilas, NC 28692
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Beefsteak Tomato
These large, flattened, solid, meaty, juicy, brilliantly red fruits are slightly ribbed and weigh up to 2 lbs. An excellent slicer, with a rich, sub-acid flavor. Great slicer for sandwiches.
Heirloom Tomato Mix, 2 lbs
Our heirloom tomato mix is the BEST! It's the way tomatoes should taste...your mix may include: lemon boy, striped german, mortgage lifter, cherokee purple, beefsteak, and many more!
Indigo Cherry Drop Tomato
High in antioxidants, a truly beautiful tomato. Harvest when the colors are red & deep purple.
Pink Bumble Bee Cherry Tomato
Pink Bumble Bee is an alluring combination of light pinks, yellows and oranges with a sweet flavor.
Purple Bumble Bee Cherry Tomato
Excellent sweet flavor, eye-catching combination of the dusky purple seen in heirloom tomatoes and metallic green striping.
Sungold Cherry Tomato
Exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomatoes. Flavor is out of this world!
Boston Pickling Cucumber
Boston Pickling cucumbers are a high yielding plant with a continuous harvest! Just like its name, the Boston Pickling is great for making pickles.
Sugar Baby Watermelon
The standard of small watermelons.
Round fruits, 6–8" in diameter, averaging 8–10 lb. Ripe melons are almost black. Good flavor. Tough rinds resist cracking. The standard of "icebox" melons for many years.
Savor Melon
Delicious traditional Charentais.
Superb eating quality. The small 2-lb melons are of the classic Charentais type: faintly ribbed with a smooth gray-green rind and dark green sutures. Sweet and aromatic, deep-orange flesh.
Sarah's Choice Melon
Sarah's Choice consistently comes out on top of our on-farm taste tests. Its flavor combined with its attractive oval fruits and ideal 3-lb. size, make it the best variety for retail sales. Harvest at full-slip (when a gentle tug removes the fruit from the vine).
Torpedo Melon
Extra-early Korean melon.
A good choice for a first-time melon grower. High-yielding plants produce avg. 1-2 lb, 5 x 3 1/2" cylindrical fruits that are lemon yellow with white sutures. Refreshingly crisp and moderately sweet white flesh. Performs very well in cool northern areas. Fruits slip off vine when ripe.
Baron Poblano Pepper
Poblano peppers are easy to stuff and cook in their signature dish, chile rellenos. $2 per pepper